Garnett Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 146
On Monday, January 25th, Garnett Lodge of Mark Master Masons held their regular meeting at Rowley Court, Lancaster.  In addition to the normal business they had a demonstration relating to the Royal Ark Mariner Degree by a team from the Fylde.

W.M. Nigel Higginson with Deacons, Bros. Steve Pemberton & Andrew Barr.

In attendance was the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore who was due to have a night off but couldn’t resist attending the Lodge along with his D.C. and a galaxy of Grand Officers.

Provincial Grand Master & Grand Officers.

The Demonstration Team consisted of 7 RAM members along with a “Quartermaster” keeping time with his bell and led by W.Bro. John Forster GJD. They ranked from “Commodore” through to “Cabin Boy”.  Each in turn described aspects of the Royal Ark Mariner Degree.
This was followed by an exceptional explanation of the Mark Degree Tracing Board given by W.Bro. Kieran Mullan, PrGMO of Furness Lodge No.36.
RAM Demonstration Team
The Festive Board had a Burns night theme. The Selkirk Grace was given by W.Bro. Ian Stephenson, PPrGSD of Morecambe Mark Lodge No. 716 and the Haggis was addressed by W.Bro. Robert McGowan, PGSD.

Provincial Grand Master congratulates W.Bro. Kieran Mullan

The raffle raised £214 for charity.  An enjoyable night was had by all.

W.Bro. Robert McGowan addresses the Haggis watched by Terri-Ann Rowe the Caterer.

Article and Photographs Courtesy of Malcolm Morrison,PrJGD, Garnett Mark No. 146